Voices from the field: through the experience in the real ...

World Meteorological Organization, 0 years also reported ...

Voices from the field: through the experience in the real ... World Meteorological Organization, are reported followed by extreme climate from even the beginning of the year 0 years World Meteorological Organization (WMO), also continued to extreme weather from 0 years was reported to have occurred in many parts of the world 0 years. In Australia, 0 years suffered a prolonged drought, but the month was the hottest month ever starting heat wave, are still rampant even the heat wave is entered in 2.0 years. In Europe the Middle East, affect the low pressure is wide range of Isuwaru in the north, in addition to such refugees in the winter storm of the eastern Mediterranean is severely affected, coastal and coastal flood the Baltic Sea, the Alps north side, such as Austria, Germany Southern It has also occurred in the heavy snow. Cold wave in Europe does not yet converge in the forecasts of the German Weather Service (DWD), to follow the precipitation often state, frost, flood, the occurrence of landslides have been a concern. In South America, there is a rainfall significantly above the average in some areas of Paraguay Uruguay Brazil adjacent thereto and Argentina northeast, a large flood occurred.